Date: 6pm Thursday 4th May – 9pm Sunday 7th May
Location: CodeBase, 38 Castle Terrace, Edinburgh, EH3 9DZ
SEStran, in collaboration with Product Forge and CodeBase, will be hosting the Local Transport ‘Hackathon’ on 6pm Thursday 4th May – 9pm Sunday 7th May in Central Edinburgh. Yes, we are preparing for a marathon of information analysing (or hacking marathon i.e. hackathon).
The aim is to understand how people currently use transport services in the South East of Scotland and how, through digitial methods, we can make services better for everyone in the future.
We often hear “hack, hacking” used in a bad way, but this type of hacking is not, it is a group of volunteers and those with a real passion and interest in making services better for everyone using publicly available data to analyse problems, build models and examine potential solutions for the real world.
Think Matthew Broderick in the 80s film classic War Games, the end of the film not the beginning; the bit where he saves the world! similar to the slot games in casinositesuk.
The event will consist of a room full of entreprenurially-minded data scientists and analysts, designers, software engineers and transport industry professionals. Spending 3 days and 3 nights side by side developing product prototypes to improve transport services within Scotland.
Participants from a range of backgrounds and skills will form teams to work on a product prototype with support from industry experts in the transport sector and the wider technology community.
SEStran are keen to see participants use this event as an opportunity to bring their digital expertise to challenge the transport industry in Scotland, expand professional networks, fix problems within the sector or even launch a new product or start-up.