SEStran as a listed public body under the Equality Act 2010 and the Equality Act 2012 (Scotland) Specific Duties Regulations, has a requirement to publish a set of Equality Outcomes, covering the period April 2021 – March 2025 which it considers will enable it to better perform the equality duty.
A requirement of publishing a set of Equality Outcomes is the need to take steps to involve people who share a relevant protected characteristic and any person who appears to represent the interest of those people. To this end the draft Equality Outcomes were developed with input from the SEStran Equalities and Access to Healthcare Forum, EHRC workshops and desk-based research.
This consultation seeks your views on the draft equality outcomes developed by SEStran.
Equality outcomes are results intended to achieve specific and identifiable improvements in the lives of those who are most disadvantaged and to narrow or remove the biggest inequalities experienced by particular groups who have a protected characteristic. The Equality Act 2010 defines these characteristics as:
SEStran have developed five new draft outcomes:
They can be viewed in full in the draft Equalities Outcomes summary using the following link:
SEStran Draft Equalities Outcomes 2021-25
If you require information in any other format, a different language, or you require assistance to take part in the consultation, please contact