SEStran has recently submitted its comments to the Scottish Government’s Scottish Energy Strategy consultation. The ambitious strategy seeks to achieve almost a complete decarbonisation of the Scottish Economy by 2050, a goal SEStran supports, particularly the ambition to reduce transport emissions by over a third by 2032; Delivering key environmental and social benefits through improved air quality and healthier outcomes for Scotland.
In its response, SEStran highlighted several potential financial challenges in meeting a target of 40% of ultra-low emission vehicles (ULEVs) to be in use by 2032. It is important to balance supply side measures with demand restraint to achieve emissions goals. Whilst working towards an inclusive society, it is important that increased use of ULEVs does not lead to greater social exclusion by those who are unable to afford or access ULEVs.
SEStran would welcome an increased focus on collective and active modes of transport, such as our successful and ever-growing liftshare scheme,, which is projected to save 754 tonnes of CO2 for the environment in 2017. Increased lift-sharing opportunities could have a related benefit in terms of potential inclusion and accessibility.
SEStran believe that Regional Transport Partnership’s offer a clear route for delivery of regional low-carbon outcomes and will engage with others to co-design on policies that deliver improvements to collective modes of transport and resource the maintenance and adaptation of existing networks to climate change and increased demand.