SEStran is pleased to present three strategic studies, which were recently conducted through the Transport Scotland Low Emission Zone (LEZ) Public Transport Provision Fund:
- The P&R Strategic Study is an evidence based review of current P&R provision in the South East of Scotland. It helps inform future investment priorities for the enhancement of P&R facilities and will feed into the emerging rewrite of the SEStran Regional Transport Strategy. The final report can be viewed here: SEStran Park and Ride Strategic Study – Final Report
- The Mobility Hub Strategic Study scopes out the potential role of Mobility Hubs within the specific regional context of the SEStran area, and provides a framework for their implementation across the South East of Scotland. For the purpose of the study, a Mobility Hub has been identified as “a recognisable and easily accessible place which integrates different transport modes and supplements them with enhanced facilities, services and information aimed at encouraging more sustainable travel, creating a sense of place and improving journeys and travel choices”. The final report can be viewed here: SEStran Mobility Hubs Strategic Study – Final Report, SEStran_Mobility Hubs Strategic Study_Appendices
- The Demand Responsive Transport (DRT) Strategic Study is a strategic review of DRT services in the SEStran area. Various challenges and opportunities for the DRT sector have been identified and the study also developed options to increase the resilience of DRT services and encourage innovation and service development. The study will help inform the emerging RTS. The final report can be viewed here: SEStran Demand Responsive Transport Strategic Study – Final Report Appendix A – SEStran DRT TRACC output summary v1 Appendix B – Stakeholder Engagement Topics
SEStran would like to thank the various people that were involved during the stakeholder engagement and for their input to these studies. SEStran is looking forward to continuing the discussions around promoting P&Rs, Mobility Hubs, and DRT in the region.