People and Place Community Grant Fund

An adult and child are cycling away from the camera on a wide, paved cycleway. On their left is a river or canal and on the left of this are flats. The adult is riding a cargo bike with a large yellow container on the front. the child is riding a red bike.The People and Place Community Grant Fund is to support community organisations looking to deliver sustainable transport projects. The grant fund is for community groups, community interest companies and charities delivering in the SEStran region and will support projects with a value between £5,000 to £50,000.

Projects can focus solely on active travel or sustainable transport interventions or a combination of both elements. Projects must align with at least one of the three key People and Place themes – schools and young people, workplaces and accessibility and inclusion.

Find out more in our application guidance.


People and Place themes


⇒ Schools and young people

Interventions in Scottish schools that deliver holistic solutions for creating an environment where active and sustainable travel choices are not only an option, but the most effective ways to travel for young people and families.

⇒ Workplaces

Interventions that focus on places of work, that make active and sustainable travel choices a realistic solution for commuting for staff and volunteers. These could include investment in workplace cycle storage/parking or maintenance provision, or incentivisation schemes that make walking, wheeling, cycling and public transport a more attractive choices to private car use.

⇒ Accessibility and inclusion 

Interventions that focus on inclusion of underrepresented groups in Scotland who might face additional barriers to active and sustainable travel, such as cost, social perception, culture, health, ability, and geographical location. Interventions should integrate a good engagement with groups who face such barriers and aim at significantly reducing them to increase opportunities to choose active and sustainable travel.

Application information

Please read the application guidance carefully before completing the application form. Applications close at midnight on 19 March 2025. If you have any questions, please email

Application timeline

Pre application support: 27 January – 21 February 2025

Applications open: 24 February 2025

Applications close: 19 March 2025

Decision in principle: w/c 7 April 2025

At this stage, it is anticipated that decisions will be issued in principle subject to confirmation of funding for the People and Place Plan from Transport Scotland and SEStran Board approval of the 2025/26 partnership budget.