People and Place

Our People and Place work contributes towards three of the four objectives set out in our Regional Transport Strategy by supporting behaviour change interventions that allow people to choose active or sustainable ways to travel instead of using a car.

The objectives of our People and Place programme are to:

  • Increase the proportion of active and sustainable journeys in our region
  • Increase awareness of the benefits of active and sustainable travel to encourage future behaviour change
  • Increase the use of active and sustainable travel modes among underrepresented groups in the region who might face additional barriers
  • Collaborate with local authorities and third-sector partners to strengthen capacity and capability in active and sustainable travel

Our People and Place work is supported by the Scottish Government through Transport Scotland, who have made funding available to each of the seven regional transport partnerships across Scotland to support their active travel vision: to enable walking, wheeling (including those using a wheelchair or mobility aid) and cycling to become the most popular mode of transport for short, everyday journeys.

This support allows us to offer grant funding to local authorities, charities and community groups across our region for projects that will deliver active and sustainable travel behaviour change. The focus areas for the grant funding are:

  • Schools and young people
  • Workplaces
  • Accessibility and inclusion
  • Capacity and capability

Our People and Place grant funding programme

For 2025/26 we are running two grant funds – the People and Place Grant Fund and the Community Grant Fund.

a group of children and adults are cycling and scooting along a new path. There is grass is the foreground, followed by path, more grass, a loch and then a hill.

People and Place Grant Fund

Our People and Place Grant Fund is for public bodies, charities or community organisations (note that local authorities are not eligible for this fund as they will receive funding via a different route) who have experience in delivering large sustainable transport behaviour change projects. The grant fund will support projects with a minimum value of £50,000.

This fund is currently open for applications.

People and Place Grant Fund
An adult and child are cycling away from the camera on a wide, paved cycleway. On their left is a river or canal and on the left of this are flats. The adult is riding a cargo bike with a large yellow container on the front. the child is riding a red bike.

Community Grant Fund

The Community Grant Fund is to support community organisations looking to deliver sustainable transport projects. The grant fund is for community groups, Community Interest Companies and charities delivering in the SEStran region and will support projects with a value between £5,000 to £50,000.

This fund is currently closed for applications. However, it will open on 24 February 2025. For more information and to read the application guidance, click the link below.

Community Grant Fund