SEStran Regional Bus Strategy

We have commissioned SYSTRA and Stantec to help us prepare a Regional Bus Strategy. The production of this strategy is a key action from the Regional Transport Strategy (RTS). 

Why do buses matter? 

Buses are the most frequently and widely used form of public transport in the South East of Scotland. Almost half (47%) of residents of the region used a bus service at least once a month in 2019, and patronage is building back since the coronavirus pandemic. Buses also play a role in tackling significant problems like climate change, inequality and social isolation. Problems, such as the lack of bus services or a sudden change in bus provision, have significant impacts on people’s lives. 

The SEStran Regional Bus Strategy will specify the role of bus in delivering the Regional Transport Strategy, including the spatial context of the bus network and the attributes and components of the bus network for the region.  The Regional Bus Strategy will also set out the plans and actions to deliver that network. This includes consideration of the optimal approach to operating and funding the network, taking into account the powers available through the Transport (Scotland) Act 2019, and the potential role of municipally owned bus operations in the region. 

What have we done so far? 

Our Case for Change report is an evidence base for a significant rethink of how buses work in our region.  

Our work so far went to our board and received their approval in June 2024.   



We are currently developing policies and actions in response to the issues and opportunities raised by our Case for Change.  

We’ll work through these with our local authority partners, operators, interested stakeholders and our board.  

We expect our draft strategy to follow the structure below:  

If you would like to contribute to the development of the Regional Bus Strategy, please contact 


Relevant documents will be added to this page when available.

Child Rights and Wellbeing Duties

Equality Impact Assessment

Fairer Scotland Duty Impact Assessment