SEStran produces a range of documents which can be found here.
A71 Cycle & Active Travel Corridor Feasibility Study
A study jointly commissioned and funded by SEStran, City of Edinburgh Council and West Lothian Council in 2016 exploring more.
A89/ A8 Corridor – Public Transport Improvement Study
This is the outcome of a public transport study for the A89/ A8 between the Kilpunt Roundabout in Broxburn more.
Regional Transport Strategy 2015-2025 Refresh Executive Summary
Executive more.
Regional Transport Strategy Delivery Plan
Our newly reviewed Delivery Plan which identifies our priorities for more.
Regional Transport Strategy 2015-2025 Refresh
Our new refreshed Regional Transport Strategy which was approved by Scottish Ministers in July 2015. The refresh updates our more.
Newburgh and Oudenarde Stations; Initial Rail Demand Feasibility Study
In March 2014 SYSTRA was commissioned by a Client Group comprising SEStran, Tactran, Fife Council and Perth & Kinross Council more.
Bus and Rail Operators Mobility Scooter Standards
Bus and Rail Operators Mobility Scooter more.
A90, Edinburgh- Outbound Bus Priority Study
The key scheme objective was to identify a solution for the A90 corridor to function effectivelyas a strategic link more.
Standardisation of Mobility Scooters : appendix to report
The purpose of this report is to provide a detailed and useful factsheet that will advise users looking to more.
Report Of Scottish Government/Regional Transport Partnerships/CoSLA Working Group
A Working Group consisting of RTP Lead Officers, Transport Scotland and CoSLA was tasked by the Minister for Transport more.
SEStran Strategic Cross Boundary Cycle Development – Final Report
This report aims to guide investment in cross-local authority boundary sections of the cycling network, with particular focus on routes suitable more.
SEStran Strategic Cross Boundary Cycle Development – Appendices
Appendices for the SEStran Strategic Cross Boundary Cycle Development more.
Edinburgh–Dunbar–Berwick upon Tweed study
MVA Consultancy was appointed by South East Scotland Transport Partnership (SEStran), East Lothian Council and Scottish Borders Council in 2012 more.
Synthesis Report of Freight Flow Mapping – Scotland part
“Connecting Food Port Regions – Between and Beyond”, or in short the “Food Port” project,is funded by the European more.
Real Time Passenger Information (RTPI)
Invitation to tender for supply, delivery installation & commissioning of an Automatic Vehicle Location and Real Time Passenger Information more.
Coatbridge – Scotland’s Dryport
SEStran guide to Coatbridge – Scotland’s more.
SEStran Freight Study & Action Plan
The main objectives of this study and action plan are; to promote efficient and effective distribution of freight movement more.