South East of Scotland Transport Partnership (SEStran) has a statutory duty under the Transport (Scotland) Act 2005 to produce a Regional Transport Strategy (RTS). A new RTS is being developed, which will set out a strategy to improve transport networks and services and to influence travel behaviour in south east of Scotland.

SEStran has prepared a draft STAG Case for Change Report to seek views and feedback from our partners and stakeholders on the key outputs of this strategy development process to date.

The STAG Case for Change Report is an evidence based review of the factors and issues which currently affect transport in the region and may affect it in the future. The report identifies 29 transport problems from a user’s perspective as the basis for developing the RTS together with high level options to tackle these problems.  Four RTS Strategy Objectives have also been developed in response to the problems.



SEStran RTS Case for Change v3.3