Innovative Transport Solutions for Fjords, Estuaries & Rivers.
Timetable for project
Improving water-based public transport is a key issue in the North Sea Region (NRS) to safeguard sustainable accessibility of regions which would otherwise be inaccessible or suffering from their remote location.
The i-Transfer partners pursue an implementation-oriented TOP approach to improve water-based accessibility by fostering development of Technology (ferries & landings), Operation (integration with public transport & set-up of ferry connections) and addressing Policy issues (tendering of ferry services & barrier-free access for disabled people) on the national and EU level.
The AIM of i-Transfer is to develop & present innovative, sustainable solutions in ferry technology, operation and policy to improve regional accessibility by water-based public transport in the NSR via a TOP approach: – resolve TECHNOLOGICAL issues (design of ferries and landings), – improve ferry OPERATION (integration of ferries with the public transport system and set-up of new ferry connections) – support a POLICY environment which resolves tendering problems and recommend comprehensive barrier-free access solutions.
Relevance to the Cross-Forth Hovercraft service
The I-Transfer project is providing half of the £1.1 million in match funding for the development of slipways and infrastructure required, the rest being provided by SEStran and Stagecoach. However Stagecoach will invest significant sums over and above this figure.
Stagecoach have submitted planning applications to Fife Council & CEC and are beginning to design landing areas at Kirkcaldy and Portobello. I-Transfer will pay a proportion of the design and implementation costs.
SEStran is dealing with work package 4 of the I-transfer project which deals with viable ferry routes and operations.