The GO SEStran Forth Freight Strategy is being funded by Transport Scotland through the Local Rail Development Fund, with the central aim being to help provide the evidence base for local areas to bring forward schemes that can enter the Scottish Government Rail Enhancement and Capital Investment Strategy pipeline.

This study looks to investigate existing freight movements, the barriers faced by multimodal freight terminals when trying to target and encourage customers to make the switch and evaluate the potential environmental benefits and commercial viability of sustainable freight/goods movements. It also acknowledges the key role that road freight plays and how it supports other modes such as rail freight. Therefore interventions to support a more efficient road freight sector will also be explored.

This study has been delivered on behalf of SEStran and Forth Ports by consultants AECOM Ltd and sets out the Initial Appraisal Case for Change against Scot-Tag criteria. Using Scottish Transport Appraisal Guidance (STAG) principles, the aim of the study is to explore the development of sustainable multimodal freight gateways and the potential for freight consolidation centres at key locations to maximise the sustainable movement of freight over regional, national and local movements.

The first phase, the Case for Change (CfC) has been completed. The CfC was initially developed in late 2020 and updated in early 2022. It outlines the existing freight movements for the SEStran region, the current policies, strategies, and plans associated with the region and the range of problems and opportunities relevant to the freight sector.

The review identified the potential for the freight sector in the region to be more sustainable. Although there are a range of weaknesses and barriers associated with modal shift, the Scottish Government has made a commitment to help achieve and facilitate the transition from the movement of goods via road freight to the generally accepted more sustainable modes of rail and sea freight where practicable.

The CfC highlights the importance of the road freight sector in supporting the economy in the SEStran region but it is contributing towards poor air quality, carbon emissions, road safety concerns, congestion, and suffering from a lack of network resilience. However, it also identified a wide range of opportunities to address this.

View/Download here:2022 SEStran Forth Freight Case For Change Final

The next phase of the study, the Preliminary Options Appraisal has been finalised with the draft report submitted to Transport Scotland for review, a copy is available below and comments would be welcome. These can be sent attention Keith Fisken by e-mail please put Freight Study in the subject line.

View/Download here: DRAFT SEStran Freight Preliminary Options Appraisal